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Gyan Ki Pathshala


Meaning of 24 spokes of Ashok Chakra in National Flag of India

Saturday 1 December 2018

The First Spoke :- Chastity (Inspires to live a simple life)

Thirteenth Spoke :- Prosperity (Actively participate in the development of the country)
Second Spoke :- Health (inspires to be healthy from body and mind)

Fourteenth Spoke :- Industry (To assist the country in its industrial progress)
Third Spoke :- Peace (To maintain peace & harmony throughout the country)

Fifteen Spoke :- Safety (To be always ready for the protection of the country)
Fourth Spoke :- Sacrifice (To be ready for any sacrifice for the sake of the country and society)

Sixteenth Spoke :- Awareness ( To be aware about the truth and don’t believe in rumours)
Fifth Spoke :- Morality (To maintain high morality in the professional and personal life)

Seventeenth Spoke :- Equality (Establishment of a society based on the equality)
Sixth Spoke :- Service (Ready to serve country and society when needed)

Eighteenth Spoke :- Artha ( Optimum utilization of money)
Seventh Spoke :- Forgiveness (A feeling of forgiveness towards humans and other creatures)

Nineteenth Spoke :- Policy (To have faith in country’s policy)
Eighth Spoke :- Love (feeling of love towards country and all other creatures)

Twentieth Spoke :- Justice (Talking abut justice for all)
Ninth Spoke :- Friendship (To have cordial relation with all the citizens)

Twenty-one Spoke :- Co-operation (Working together)
Tenth Spoke :- Fraternity (To develop a sense of brotherhood in the country)

Twenty second Spoke :- Duties (To obey your duties honestly)
Eleventh Spoke :- Organization (Strengthening the unity and integrity of the nation)

Twenty-third Spokes :- Rights (Do not abuse your rights)
Twelth Spoke :- Welfare ( Participation in welfare activities related to country and society)

Twenty-fourth Spoke :- Wisdom (To have knowledge beyond books)
So, in this way you have read that every spoke given in the Ashok Chakra has its own meaning. All the spokes talk about the holistic development of the country. These spokes give clear message to all the countrymen about their rights and duties. These spokes are like 24 principles which should be followed by the citizens so that the differences of caste, religion, language and attire can be minimized.

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